Carpe Diem

Whenever, I get the chance, I love to ask other sailors about their boat name. Our name, Carpe Diem, may seem self evident. However, it really goes much deeper than just “good advice”. A few years back, Scott was told he had less than 6 months to live. Colon cancer had gone undetected for too many years. After 6 months of intense chemo... he finally made it. Then a few years later, complications from a double-by-pass almost killed him again. Today he doesn't let his BP and severe diabetes slow him down. Two years ago he lost most of his vision in one eye and partially in the other...and the list goes on and on and on.

Having a boat to work on (along with a regiment of insulin and dozens of medications) keeps him sailing and out of the ER. This boat probably saved his life! I often think “SURVIVOR” would be a good name for our boat. But that would be a constant reminder of the past struggles. So, for now we try to live one day at a time, and carpe diem, “seize the day”.

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2008. Hello From Waterworld

Hello from Water World.  Sorry you haven’t hear d from me for a while.  It’s just been too hot to sit at the computer inside the boat.  Never take air conditioning for granted!  Working outdoors all day is really getting the best of me. (I’m such a ninny about weather. comfort zone is 74 to 76 degrees.)  Anyway it’s been in the 90’s and I am not dealing with it very well. 
We lost a friend to cancer last week. She was a wonderful person with a smile and an attitude that would really win you over. She had some pain, was diagnosed with cancer, and was gone in two weeks. Then 2 days ago, we heard about another friend recently diagnosed. She’s not as close, more just a friend of our best friends. She, however, was given 3 years to live. Evidently there is nothing they can do for her. She even went to Mayo Clinic for her 2nd opinion.  My heart goes out to her.
So the past few days I’ve wondered more than once, what does one do for 3 years…?  
Well, I know what I would do..I’d spend it with the folks I love. My husband first.  So basically, I would continue doing exactly what I am doing. Living on a boat with the love of my life.  And as for 3 years….it is never taken for granted with us.
We absolutely love it out here in the mooring field, it’s so quiet .  Today there is a breeze so the heat is not too bad inside the boat at the computer.  Talk to you soon.